Non-Media Messages

Messages without medias.

Read the details of how to use it in Requests.

There's a lib for nodejs here: Click here

  • Send a simple text!
      "connectionId": "YOUR_CONNECTION_ID",
      "method": "sendMessage",
      "params": [
        "[email protected]",
          "text": "Hi! This was sent using Whats2API"
  • send a reply message!
      "connectionId": "YOUR_CONNECTION_ID",
      "method": "sendMessage",
      "params": [
        "[email protected]",
          "text": "Hi! This was sent using Whats2API"
          "quoted": "MESSAGE_OBJECT_TO_BE_QUOTED"
  • send a mentions message!
      "connectionId": "YOUR_CONNECTION_ID",
      "method": "sendMessage",
      "params": [
        "[email protected]",
          "text": "Hi! I will mention @1234567890"
          "mentions": [
            "[email protected]"
  • send a location!
      "connectionId": "YOUR_CONNECTION_ID",
      "method": "sendMessage",
      "params": [
        "[email protected]",
          "location": {
            "degreesLatitude": 24.121231,
            "degreesLongitude": 55.1121221
  • send a contact!
    This one is tricky, you have to encode the data in a VCard format.
      "connectionId": "YOUR_CONNECTION_ID",
      "method": "sendMessage",
      "params": [
        "[email protected]",
          "contacts": {
            "displayName": "Jeff",
            "contacts": [
                "vcard": "BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nFN:Jeff Singh\nORG:Ashoka Uni;\nTEL;type=CELL;type=VOICE;waid=911234567890:+91 12345 67890\nEND:VCARD"
  • send a contact!
    This one is tricky, you have to encode the data in a VCard format.
      "connectionId": "YOUR_CONNECTION_ID",
      "method": "sendMessage",
      "params": [
        "[email protected]",
          "contacts": {
            "displayName": "Jeff",
            "contacts": [
                "vcard": "BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nFN:Jeff Singh\nORG:Ashoka Uni;\nTEL;type=CELL;type=VOICE;waid=911234567890:+91 12345 67890\nEND:VCARD"
  • send a reaction!
      "connectionId": "YOUR_CONNECTION_ID",
      "method": "sendMessage",
      "params": [
        "[email protected]",
          "react": {
            "text": "💖",
  • send a buttons message!
    This may not work all the time or at all (whatsapp fault.).
      "connectionId": "YOUR_CONNECTION_ID",
      "method": "sendMessage",
      "params": [
        "[email protected]",
          "text": "Hi it's button message",
          "footer": "Hello World",
          "buttons": [
              "buttonId": "id1",
              "buttonText": {
                "displayText": "Button 1"
              "type": 1
              "buttonId": "id2",
              "buttonText": {
                "displayText": "Button 2"
              "type": 1
              "buttonId": "id3",
              "buttonText": {
                "displayText": "Button 3"
              "type": 1
          "headerType": 1
  • send a template message!
    This may not work all the time or at all (whatsapp fault.).
      "connectionId": "YOUR_CONNECTION_ID",
      "method": "sendMessage",
      "params": [
        "[email protected]",
          "text": "Hi it's a template message",
          "footer": "Hello World",
          "templateButtons": [
              "index": 1,
              "urlButton": {
                "displayText": "Checkout whats2api!",
                "url": "https://whats2api.com"
              "index": 2,
              "callButton": {
                "displayText": "Call me!",
                "phoneNumber": "+1 (234) 5678-901"
              "index": 3,
              "quickReplyButton": {
                "displayText": "This is a reply, just like normal buttons!",
                "id": "id-like-buttons-message"
  • send a list!
    This may not work all the time or at all (whatsapp fault.).
      "connectionId": "YOUR_CONNECTION_ID",
      "method": "sendMessage",
      "params": [
        "[email protected]",
          "text": "This is a list",
          "footer": "nice footer, link: https://google.com",
          "title": "Amazing boldfaced list title",
          "buttonText": "Required, text on the button to view the list",
          "sections": [
              "title": "Section 1",
              "rows": [
                  "title": "Option 1",
                  "rowId": "option1"
                  "title": "Option 2",
                  "rowId": "option2",
                  "description": "This is a description"
              "title": "Section 2",
              "rows": [
                  "title": "Option 3",
                  "rowId": "option3"
                  "title": "Option 4",
                  "rowId": "option4",
                  "description": "This is a description V2"